Preschool Sensory Storytime

Fri Feb 28
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM

This preschool storytime is especially welcoming for children ages 3-5 and families who are looking for a smaller, more adaptive library experience.

Our social stories can help children prepare for attending storytime by learning what to expect through images and text. Click on your location from the list of locations to read your library’s "Preschool Sensory Storytime social story".

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

Five children on a blue rug gathered around a woman in a blue dress reading a story book

Tất cả mọi người đều được chào đón. Đối với người khuyết tật cần dịch vụ trợ giúp, hãy gọi 503.988.5123 hoặc gửi thư điện tử (email) 2-3 ngày trước khi đến chương trình.