Hora de Cuentos Bilingüe para Bebés - Bilingual Book Babies

Wed Apr 3
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM

Acompáñenos en esta serie de horas de cuentos bilingües para bebés de 0 a 12 meses. Tendremos canciones, rimas, y libros ilustrados divertidos seguidos de un tiempo especial para jugar y socializar.

Join us for a series of bilingual baby (0-12 months) storytimes. We’ll have fun, baby-approved songs, rhymes and short picture books. Followed by special time for play and socializing. 

Attendance is limited to first come, first served. 

Apoyado por donaciones a La Fundación de la Biblioteca.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

4 baby faces look at the viewer with various smiles and serious expressions. Skin tones range from pale white to dark brown.

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