Toyin Oyemaja's Floral Design Workshop

Sat Feb 8
12:30 PM - 1:15 PM

Help celebrate the opening of the Black Cultural Center at the North Portland Library with natural beauty you can take home! Participants will be able to explore artistic expression through natural design with fresh and dried flowers, and immerse themselves in therapeutic practices for emotional well being. Toyin Oyemaja will lead 3 45-min sessions, with some spots held for sign up day of the event. Registration will open Jan. 18. Currently there are openings in the 1:15 slot. 

ariel close up photograph of three flower bouquets wrapped in paper

Tất cả mọi người đều được chào đón. Đối với người khuyết tật cần dịch vụ trợ giúp, hãy gọi 503.988.5123 hoặc gửi thư điện tử (email) 2-3 ngày trước khi đến chương trình.