Community room 1A

Không có bản dịch tiếng Việt

Library location

Maximum occupancy

88 people

Central Library events and classes

Jul 17

Resume Review Drop-in

Jul 17
Wed Jul 17
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Thư viện Central

Do you need some help with your resume? Are you unsure about your choice of words? Struggling to describe your accomplishments? Come meet with an experienced volunteer for a one-on-one review.

Jul 18

Tech Help Drop-in

Jul 18
Thu Jul 18
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Thư viện Central

We can help you with technology!

Jul 18

基础科技辅助 / Chinese Tech Help

Jul 18
Thu Jul 18
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Thư viện Central



让友善的工作人员或志工朋友与您一同坐下来,帮助您找到有关移动设备、网站、科技入门等问题的答案。无需预约注册,先到先服务。辅助时间约为30分钟。地点在中央图书馆楼社區聯誼室 1B (入门左转)。 

Jul 19

Toddler Playtime

Jul 19
Fri Jul 19
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Thư viện Central

Play and learning go hand in hand. Join other families for a fun playtime (for ages 2-3) with books, toys, music, and all the room you need to learn through play. As Mr. Rogers said, "...

Jul 20

Lego Club

Jul 20
Sat Jul 20
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Thư viện Central

Join us for a fun and imaginative LEGO building session. We'll provide the building blocks, you bring the creativity! Ideal for grades K-5, but younger and older siblings are welcome.