Early Educator Series: "Black Boys" Documentary Screening

Sat Dec 7
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Please join us for the documentary screening of "Black Boys." This film explores the bias and discrimination that Black boys face in different areas of their life, including the classroom*. 

All attendees will receive a set of children's books for their classroom, and an educator resource book. Snacks provided. Trimet tickets are available for attendees at the event to support transportation needs. 

For participants interested in Oregon Registry Online credit, this is a Set One training for Diversity (DIV). 

*Attendees should be aware that this film includes footage of police brutality and disturbing racist images. 

a movie projector and the logo for Kanopy are framed by illuminated lightbulbs

Tất cả mọi người đều được chào đón. Đối với người khuyết tật cần dịch vụ trợ giúp, hãy gọi 503.988.5123 hoặc gửi thư điện tử (email) help@multcolib.org 2-3 ngày trước khi đến chương trình.