We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are first come, first served.

We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are first come, first served.
Tất cả mọi người đều được chào đón. Đối với người khuyết tật cần dịch vụ trợ giúp, hãy gọi 503.988.5123 hoặc gửi thư điện tử (email) help@multcolib.org 2-3 ngày trước khi đến chương trình.