
Adult with raised hand at table with books and two kids with raised hands.

Find support for the education style and curriculum you choose for your child at the library.

Homeschooling basics

Books to get you started with homeschooling
A booklist to learn about the many approaches to home education. 

Homeschooling in Oregon
If you are just getting started, find current information on legal requirements, curriculum options and links to online places to find community. Created by the Oregon Home Education Network (OHEN)

Local homeschooling organizations
Find classes and communities for your education style around the county.

Library services

School Corps
School Corps offers curriculum support for educators. Find Buckets of Books, a quarterly newsletter and booklists on common curriculum topics like life cycles and Oregon history. If you belong to a group that meets together, the team can make presentations on how to do research, evaluate searches and websites, and internet safety.

Tutoring for your students
You can sign up for an online video session with a local volunteer tutor on Tuesday afternoons. This service is provided in English or Spanish.

My Librarian
Get personalized book recommendations for your student from one of our librarians.

Library online resources

Borrow graphic novels and stream music and movies (including those based on children’s books) for free. 

Stream documentaries, favorite children’s TV shows, and courses for high school and college-level classes.

Mango Languages
Learn a language online.

Libby App
Download e-books and audiobooks, including thousands of classics available with no waiting.

Student resources
Find encyclopedias, biographies, and magazine and newspaper articles for students, arranged by grade level. 

Come to the library

At your local library, the youth librarian can suggest books to fit your child’s reading level, maturity and interest and guide you to new resources. 

Free online events and classes 
Kids of all ages learn, explore and create. 

Rockwood makerspace
A collaborative learning environment at Rockwood Library with an emphasis on middle and high school learners. Classes and drop-in hours. 

Welcome to Reading kits
These kits include five books, leveled for new readers.

Sign up for the library's monthly family newsletter to learn about resources, tools and information for families.

If you have questions, comments or suggestions for library services for homeschoolers, contact the homeschool liaison at 971.500.1733 or 

Educator library cards

Every independent home educator can get a separate library card that allows you to check out materials for six weeks and have up to 40 holds.

Get an educator card

Homeschool curricula

Multnomah County Library owns a variety of secular curricula for homeschool educators to preview before purchase.

Find homeschool curricula