Multnomah County Library’s Indigenous Collection provides materials by and about Native American, Alaska Native, Kānaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian) and Indigenous Peoples worldwide with a special focus on Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. The collection includes a variety of physical and digital formats for all ages: fiction and nonfiction books, zines, music, movies, newspapers and magazines.
Materials included in the Indigenous Collection are intended to center Indigenous voices, issues and perspectives, and most items in the collection are by Indigenous creators. Materials created by non-Indigenous authors which represent Indigenous topics with accuracy and respect are also included.
The Indigenous Collection can be found on shelves throughout all open locations of the Multnomah County Library system.
To find Indigenous Collection materials in the online catalog, you can do a subject search for “Indigenous Collection”.

You can also find Indigenous Collection materials when searching for other content using the “Topic” dropdown on the left side of the results page. You may have to click “Show More” to view the full list.

For additional resources for our Indigenous communities, see Indigenous Community Resources.