
Hoopla is a collection of streaming videos, comics, and music available instantly, with automatic returns and no late fees. Check out movies and TV shows for three days, music albums for seven days, and digital comics for 21 days. There is a limit of ten items per person per month, which resets on the first of each month.
- Download the Hoopla Digital iOS app or Android app for your smartphone or tablet, or sign up on your computer at
- Hoopla is also supported on Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Roku and Apple TV.
- Check out Hoopla FAQs for up-to-date lists of mobile operating systems and desktop browsers Hoopla requires.
- Hoopla supports closed captioning of video content where available or required.
Visit the Library’s e-books & audiobooks, streaming TV & movies, news & magazines, or music pages for more information about other online resources. If you have difficulties using Hoopla, please contact us.