Ayuda Tecnológica / Tech Help Drop-in
¿Tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda tecnológica?
Reúnase individualmente con alguno de nuestros amables ayudantes de tecnología. Contestamos sus preguntas sobre dispositivos móviles, sitios web, computadoras, cómo comenzar a usar tecnología y mucho más.
Las sesiones serán de 30 minutos por orden de llegada. Se llevarán a cabo en Community Room 1B - a la izquierda al entrar la biblioteca
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Location: Upon entering the library turn left - Community Room 1B
CareOregon in the Midland Library Lobby
Come meet with staff from CareOregon to get information about the Medicare Advantage plan and to get help with finding affordable health insurance. Resources will be available in Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, and Chinese.
基础科技辅助 / Chinese Tech Help Drop-In
让友善的工作人员或志工朋友与您一同坐下来,帮助您找到有关移动设备、网站、科技入门等问题的答案。无需预约注册,先到先服务。辅助时间约为30分钟。地点在中央图书馆楼社区联谊室 1B (入门左转)。
Bridge City Networks
Meet with staff from Bridge City Networks to get free mobile devices and low or no-cost wireless internet access. ID and Proof of Benefits are required (Transition Projects, Portland Rescue Mission ID, Oregon Trail Card and OHP Cards are accepted).
No registration required.
Book Babies
Babies from birth to 12 months (with a favorite adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes, and playtime, with bonus socialization for babies and the adults. Attendance is limited and free tickets are available 15 minutes before storytime.
Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.
A Good Yarn Knitting & Crochet Group
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced knitter, come join the fun as we learn together. All experience levels and ages welcome. Please bring your own supplies.
Intro to Programming with Python
Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to automate repetitive tasks, start a new career, and learn what your computer is capable of? Whatever your reasons, this course is your foot in the door to programming in general and the Python programming language in particular.
Learning Objectives:
Video Creation Camp: YouTube and TikTok
Do you want to be a YouTube star or go viral on TikTok? Up your game and learn the basic techniques of composition, light, audio, editing and storytelling through film. The Rockwood Makerspace and MetroEast Community Media will give you the tools to share your content using awesome audio/video recording equipment and software. For teens in grades 6-12.
It's Spring Break! Let's Make Kindness Rocks
Drop in anytime between 2:30 and 4:30 to decorate rocks with fun and uplifting messages or pictures.
Book Babies
Babies from birth to 12 months (with a favorite adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes, and playtime, with bonus socialization for babies and the adults.
Attendance is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.
Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.
Lego Club
Join us for a fun and imaginative LEGO building session. We'll provide the building blocks, you bring the creativity! Ideal for grades K-5, but younger and older siblings are welcome.
Lego Club
Join us for a fun and imaginative LEGO building session. We'll provide the building blocks, you bring the creativity! Ideal for grades K-5, but younger and older siblings are welcome.
使用乐高 STEM 套件来探索科学、技术、工程、数学和机器人概念。孩子们以团队的形式培养创意思考、编码和设计技能,并透过指导的全球编程计划,逐步获得处理现实世界问题的经验。
适合 6-10 岁及以上儿童。先到先得。
Code and Build with Legos
Teen Anime and Manga Club
View, review, snack and yak about all things anime and manga. We meet the fourth Tuesday of the month to discuss our favorite series, watch anime, read manga, and eat snacks!
Teen Time! Makeover Madness
Let’s face it, the Teen Space needs your help. The librarians are breaking out the Silhouette Cameo for the Teens to create some decals for the Teen Space. Teens will revamp the space or create decals to take home for their own Teen Space.
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Early Educator Series: детей дошкольного возраста
Join us for "The Developmental Peculiarities of Sensory, Perception, Attention, Memory, Thinking, Imagination, and Speech of Preschool-Aged Children."
Queer Youth Club
A safe place where ALL are welcome to be themselves. Find support, eat snacks, get creative, discuss favorite books, and more! Bring a friend, or make a new one. For grades 5-8.
Queer Youth Club is a youth-run club for that unites LGBTQIA+ and allied youth from neighboring schools. Email alecc@multcolib.org for more information.
Graphic Novel Club grades 4-5
Kids in grades 4-5 are invited to talk about graphic novels and eat snacks! Every meeting includes a short activity related to this month's book. A limited number of books are available to pick up at the library before each meeting.