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Searching for "book babies" and displaying 1576 - 1600 of 1644 search results

Who lived in my house? Find past residents in Portland city directories

City directories are great tools for finding out who lived at a specific address in the past. Learn how to use city directories to find out who lived in houses that were within Portland city limits when they were built. If your house is in Gresham or in unincorporated Multnomah County, read more about using city directories for those communities.


Multnomah County Library provides a variety of physical and digital material to support the informational, educational, and recreational needs of our community. The collection reflects the diverse population of our county.

Midland Library history

Since it opened in 1958, Midland Library has been one of the busiest libraries in Multnomah County. To meet the demand, the building underwent several renovations to expand its space.

Honoring Native American Heritage Month

PORTLAND, Ore. — November 6, 2023 — Multnomah County Library invites the community to join in celebrating and honoring Native American Heritage Month.

Black Resources Collection

Multnomah County Library’s Black Resource Collection offers a variety of materials that are primarily written by African Diasporic authors. Ranging from the latest fiction title to out-of-print newspapers, this collection also has materials for all ages that focus on the experience of the African Diaspora.

Microfilm readers

When doing historical or genealogy research, you might find that the document you need is only on microfilm or another microformat.

Taxes in 2024: Forms and assistance

The deadline to file federal and state tax returns is Monday April 15. Library staff cannot prepare returns, advise on tax matters, or interpret tax law, but they can help connect you with resources.

Five ways to help your child learn

Five easy, fun activities adults can do with even the youngest kids to help get their brains ready to learn to read and succeed in school later on.

Public meeting rooms policy

Eighteen libraries offer free use of meeting room space for meetings and programs that serve an educational, cultural, civic or recreational purpose. Meetings and programs held in library meeting rooms must be free, open and of potential interest to the general public.

Summer events are shining through at Multnomah County Library

PORTLAND, Ore. — May 30, 2024 — Spend your summer with Multnomah County Library this year at exciting, educational and free events for all ages. Start your June by honoring Juneteenth, celebrating Pride and playing the Summer Reading game. Check out the list of events below to participate.

New Holgate Library

A new, larger library, three times the current size at the same location (scheduled to be complete summer 2024)