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Searching for "Black History Month: Stones, Bones and Black-Eyed Peas" and displaying 626 - 650 of 851 search results

Want to begin reading Manga, but don't know where to start? Here are some of my favorites ranging from romance-comedy to action and horror.  List created by Elle Budd.


Magnifying glasses and sheets are available at every library location. Video magnifier (CCTV) for patrons who need higher magnification are available a some locations.

Participación de la comunidad

Los comentarios de la comunidad están dando forma a los diseños para los espacios renovados, ampliados y nuevos de la biblioteca. Nuestra ética de participación

Lời Cáo phó

Khi nghiên cứu lịch sử gia đình, lời cáo phó có thể là nguồn thông tin phong phú.

If you've ever wondered how Portland got its reputation as a bastion of independent and D.I.Y music, try some of the items on this list.

Whether it's racially coded language like dog-whistles around "the woke agenda" or "the great replacement theory" or overt messaging, it's important to understand how language is used to communicat

Microfilm readers

When doing historical or genealogy research, you might find that the document you need is only on microfilm or another microformat.


El Consejo de Comisionados del Condado de Multnomah, elegido por los votantes del condado, preside la biblioteca. A su vez, los comisionados nombran a ciudadanos para el Consejo Consultivo, que supervisa las operaciones de la biblioteca.

To help children process loss, these picture books talk about sadness, absences, and death.

Summer events are shining through at Multnomah County Library

PORTLAND, Ore. — May 30, 2024 — Spend your summer with Multnomah County Library this year at exciting, educational and free events for all ages. Start your June by honoring Juneteenth, celebrating Pride and playing the Summer Reading game. Check out the list of events below to participate.

Яркая и современная библиотека Holgate!

Библиотека Холгейт открыта! Библиотека Holgate - это первая новая постоянная библиотека, открытая в округе Малтнома более чем за десять лет. Это также самая энергоэффективная библиотека, когда-либо построенная в округе Малтнома.