How to sign up for My MCL with Library Connect

Sign up for My MCL to place holds on items you want to check out, look at your checked out items, and keep track of items you have read or want to read next.

  1. In the top right-hand corner click the “Login / My MCL" button, then click “Log In.”
  2. Choose your preferred language from the menu in the top-left corner of the page.
  3. Enter your Library Connect account number and password. Click “Log In.” If you have a library account number  that starts with 21168, you can use that number or your Library Connect number.
  4. If you have not logged in before, click “Continue to Account Set Up.” If you get an error message, please read our troubleshooting guide at the bottom of this page.
  5. Review your name, birth date and email. Click “Continue.” If the information is wrong, please continue setting up your online account and contact us to correct your information
  6. Choose a username. If you are age 12 or younger, choose a color and an animal from a drop down list. If you are age 13 or older, you can create a name of your choice. If someone already has that username, try another one.

    When you log in, you can use your account number or your username.

  7. Check the box to accept the terms and conditions.
  8. Click “Complete Account Set Up.”

Congratulations! You can now view your checkouts; place, pause or cancel your holds; and renew items in My MCL. Students over 13 can also make comments and rate library items.

We encourage you to reset your password. Click “Forgot Password?” Then check your email for a password reset link.


Wrong username?

If you’re using your Library Connect account number, remember to use the district code in front of your student ID number.

If you already had a My MCL account, you can login with your username, your Library Connect account number, or your library account number that starts with 21168. Please contact us if you still can’t log in.

Wrong password?

Your default Library Connect account password is your birthdate in the format MMDDYYYY. Include a 0 if your birthday month and/or day is a single number. For example, if your birthday is March 5, 2011, your password is 03052011.

If you had a library account before Library Connect, your password may be different than your birthdate, and is the password to use for either account number.

If you’ve forgotten or don’t know the password, click “Forgot Password?” to get a reset link sent to your email. If Library Connect is your first library account, the email will be your student email. If you had a library account before Library Connect, this email is the one already in your account. If you don’t receive a reset link, please contact us.