Showers and Hygiene Resources
Cultivate Initiatives will be in the Midland parking lot offering free hot showers and other resources, including (while supplies last) clothing and hygiene products.
No registration required.
Toddler Storytime
Toddlers (with a favorite adult) enjoy interactive stories, songs and games that encourage their emerging language skills.
Attendance is limited and free tickets are available 15 minutes before storytime.
Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.
Resources for Self Sufficiency
Come meet with staff from the Oregon Department of Human Services and Partner for a Hunger-free Oregon to to sign up for SNAP and other benefits and get information about targeted services to help people move out of poverty.
Tech Help Drop-in/Ayuda Tecnológica
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
¿Tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda tecnológica?
English Class
Free ESL classes. The level of the series is determined at the first class. No registration required. For more information, call 503.577.9984.
Clases de inglés gratuitas. Todos los niveles son bienvenidos. El nivel de la clase se determinará mediante una prueba de nivel el primer día. No es necesario inscribirse. Para obtener más información, llame al 503.577.9984.
免費英文班,任何英文水平都欢迎参加,班级级别由第一天的分级测试决定。无需注冊。请致电 503.577.9984 查询详情。
Internet Basics
Using the internet has become an important part of daily life. In this class, we’ll learn:
Makerspace drop-in for teens
What will you create? Bring your ideas and make them a reality with 3D printers, craft cutters, laser cutter, sewing machines, art supplies and more.
For teens in grades 6-12.
Free Create With the Glowforge Laser Cutter
Already have experience with a Glowforge laser cutter? Register for this session to use the cutter and get help from staff on creating a project of your choice (subject to time limits). A selection of laser-safe materials will be available for you to use.
Space is limited and registration is required.
Kids Creation Club
Week 1: Collaborative Art (quilt, collage, collaborative drawing, gratitude tree, etc.)
Week 2: Lego Lab
Week 3: Afternoon Art take home craft (exploring watercolors, sculpture with air dry clay, pom pom animals, collage, etc.)
Week 4: STEAM Studio (Science/Engineering, Rube Goldberg Machines, Cardboard construction, Sphero obstacle courses, Minute to Win It Challenges, Marble Runs, etc.)
Video Game Club
Do you like to game? Are you in middle or high school? If so, join our gaming club! We'll play games, talk about games and eat snacks.
Come to the Fairview Library and play some fun games like Mario Kart, Just Dance, and more! For ages 12-18.
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Graphic Novel Club grades 2-3
Kids in grades 2-3 and their favorite adults are invited to talk about graphic novels and eat snacks! Every meeting includes a short activity related to this month's book. A limited number of books are available for pick up at the library.
Giờ trợ giúp kỹ thuật bằng tiếng Việt/Vietnamese Tech Help
Quý vị có câu hỏi về kỹ thuật? Không cần đặt hẹn, xin hãy vào gặp một hỗ trợ viên thân thiện và am hiểu, người sẽ giúp quý vị tìm ra câu trả lời cho những câu hỏi về thiết bị di động, trang web, tải nội dung hoặc thông tin, thiết bị đọc sách điện tử, bắt đầu làm quen với kỹ thuật và còn nhiều vấn đề khác. Hỗ trợ viên giúp quý vị trong 30 phút, trả lời câu hỏi và hướng dẫn sử dụng những thiết bị và ứng dụng khác nhau.
Book Babies
Babies from birth to 12 months (with a favorite adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes, and playtime, with bonus socialization for babies and the adults.
Attendance is limited and free tickets are available 15 minutes before storytime.
Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.
Toddler Storytime
Toddlers (with a favorite adult) enjoy interactive stories, songs and games that encourage their emerging language skills.
Attendance is limited and free tickets are available 15 minutes before storytime.
Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.
Book Babies
Babies from birth to 12 months (with a favorite adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes, and playtime, with bonus socialization for babies and the adults.
Attendance is limited and free tickets are available 15 minutes before storytime.
Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.
Family Playtime
Play and learning go hand in hand. Join other families in a fun playtime at the library with books, toys, music, and all the room you need to learn through play. As Mr. Rogers said, "... for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood."
Toddler Storytime
Toddlers (with a favorite adult) enjoy interactive stories, songs and games that encourage their emerging language skills.
Attendance is limited and free tickets are available 15 minutes before storytime.
Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.
Toddler Storytime
Toddlers (with a favorite adult) enjoy interactive stories, songs and games that encourage their emerging language skills.
Attendance is limited and free tickets are available 15 minutes before storytime. OR Attendance is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.
Tiny Tots
One-year-olds (with a favorite adult) enjoy songs, movement activities, rhymes, books and playtime. This action-packed program engages new walkers in language-based activities. Attendance is limited and free tickets are available 15 minutes before storytime.
Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.