Guías básicas

Los bibliotecarios han escrito guías básicas para muchos recursos de la biblioteca, así como otros temas que pueden resultarle útiles. Pregúntele al personal si necesita más ayuda.

Displaying 26 - 45 of 45

Guía de la Biblioteca del Condado de Multnomah para padres

Guía de la Biblioteca del Condado de Multnomah para padres
¿No puede hacer que su bebé se duerma? ¿Necesita un buen audiolibro para un viaje familiar? ¿Se pregunta qué va a pasar con el cerebro de su hijo adolescente? ¡Nosotros podemos ayudarle!

Product reviews from trusted sources: Consumer Reports and beyond

Making decisions about which product to buy can be difficult. Reviews on online shopping sites can be helpful, but sometimes you need an unbiased source. Consumer Reports is known for its objective, thorough reviews of products and services. They accept no advertising and are known for editorial integrity.

Protect yourself online

Many of our everyday activities, like school, work, doctor’s visits and banking are now online. This can make personal information vulnerable to cybercriminals. Learn more about how to protect yourself online.

Ayuda para las pequeñas empresas

Las pequeñas empresas impulsan la innovación y hacen crecer la comunidad. Descubra los recursos de la biblioteca que pueden ayudarle en su viaje empresarial.

Subvenciones y becas

Cómo encontrar subvenciones para pequeñas empresas u obtener subvenciones para comprar una vivienda es una pregunta muy común en la biblioteca.
Sin embargo, la mayoría de los programas de asistencia financiera no son subvenciones en el sentido tradicional.

Información sobre el trabajo de voluntario de Lectura de Verano

Para muchos voluntarios, el programa de voluntarios de Lectura de Verano es una oportunidad para desarrollar habilidades de liderazgo, confianza y adquirir experiencia.

Search for an old photograph of a Portland-area house

Old photographs of your house can be difficult to find. If you are doing house history, there are a few places to look.

Ayuda en línea para aprender inglés

Ayuda en línea para aprender inglés

Upskilling with Career Credentials

How to use online resources to learn about careers and find the right credentials for you.

Using maps for house and neighborhood history

Find detailed information about your neighborhood, street or even your house from maps.

Who lived in my house?

Research who lived in your house previously and ways to find the information you are looking for.

Who lived in my house? Dig deeper

Did searching in Portland city directories, or in Gresham and rural directories help you find all the past residents of your house? If not, try these other resources and strategies.

Who lived in my house? East of I-205

City directories are great tools for finding out who lived at a specific address in the past. Historical Portland city directories contain listings for people and businesses that were within Portland city limits when the directory was published.

Multnomah County has other cities, and plenty of houses in rural areas. Many Portland neighborhoods were built up before joining the city. If your house wasn’t in Portland when it was built, other directories can help you learn who lived there in past years.

Who lived in my house? Find past residents in Portland city directories

City directories are great tools for finding out who lived at a specific address in the past. Learn how to use city directories to find out who lived in houses that were within Portland city limits when they were built. If your house is in Gresham or in unincorporated Multnomah County, read more about using city directories for those communities.

Who lived in my house? Getting started

If you’re interested in your house’s history, you can find past residents of many Portland-area houses in two ways:

Look in old city directories (which are similar to phone books)
Search for the house’s address in digital newspaper archives

To get started, gather some basic facts about your house and your neighborhood. This will help you plan your research.

Usar Cell-Ed

Aprenda inglés, habilidades básicas y mucho más en su teléfono usando Cell-Ed. Todo lo que necesita es un teléfono celular (básico o inteligente), pero también puede conectarse con una tableta o computadora que tenga acceso a internet

Libros por correo

Si desea recibir libros, DVDs y más por correo

My Discovery Pass (pase cultural)

El pase cultural My Discovery Pass es una asociación entre la Biblioteca del Condado de Multnomah y otras organizaciones locales para ofrecer experiencias educativas y culturales gratuitas a los titulares de tarjetas de la Biblioteca del Condado de Multnomah

Cómo hablar con los niños sobre la raza y el racismo

Sitios web y libros recomendados para familias

Sugerir una compra

Si hay algún libro, película, CD, revista o pieza musical que desee que la biblioteca compre, háganoslo saber.