Recursos de la comunidad indígena

El personal del Equipo Indígena busca involucrar a la comunidad y conectar a las personas con los recursos que necesitan. Ellos ayudan a crear programas y exhibiciones multigeneracionales que valoran a los mayores, los jóvenes, la narración de historias, la tradición y el activismo. El equipo está formado por miembros que representan tribus de diferentes partes del mundo.


Jan 21

Native Friends and Family Storytime

Tue Jan 21
6:30 PM - 7:15 PM
Biblioteca de Holgate

Children ages birth to 6 along with their families and friends are welcome to enjoy Native culture through singing, movement, crafts, and stories. Everyone is welcome!

Jan 25

Native Story Hour

Sat Jan 25
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Biblioteca Central

Come sing, listen, learn and celebrate. Join Karen Kitchen (Osage Nation) for this story hour featuring songs and books from Native cultures.

Jan 28

Native Friends and Family Storytime

Tue Jan 28
6:30 PM - 7:15 PM
Biblioteca de Holgate

Children ages birth to 6 along with their families and friends are welcome to enjoy Native culture through singing, movement, crafts, and stories. Everyone is welcome!