Request a reasonable accommodation

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Multnomah County Library provides accommodations to patrons with disabilities. You may request accommodations for access to library buildings, services, programs and events, including ASL interpretation, assistive listening devices and other accommodations.

To request an accommodation use the form below or call us at 503-988-5123. For library programs, please contact us a minimum of two business days (Monday-Friday) in advance. A staff member will respond to your request within two business days.

If the accommodation is for a library class or program, please provide:

Your information

Best way to contact you (select one): *

We will only use your contact information to respond to your request.

Library location(s) you use most often:
Check one or more.

The Library will keep the information you provided in the form confidential, unless it is required by law to be disclosed. For example, this form is a public record and some of the information may be subject to disclosure under Oregon’s Public Records Law. Within the Library, the information provided in the form will be shared only with necessary library staff to support the request. We may contact you to discuss your request.