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Searching for "Black History Month: Stones, Bones and Black-Eyed Peas" and displaying 176 - 200 of 949 search results

Справедливость и инклюзивность

Библиотека слышит голоса людей, наиболее пострадавших от расизма и систем угнетения. Мы признаем и уважаем их силу, мудрость и знания. Миссия библиотеки — дать возможность различным сообществам учиться и творить.

Enjoy Kwanzaa with the library

PORTLAND, Or. — December 13, 2023 — Multnomah County Library invites the community to join in the festivities of Kwanzaa: a celebration of family, community and culture.

Mes de la Herencia Hispana y Latina

Eventos comunitarios en la biblioteca

PORTLAND, Ore. — 14 de septiembre, 2023 — La Biblioteca del Condado de Multnomah invita a la comunidad Latina a celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana y Latina. Desde el 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre, únete a la diversión con eventos multilingües, música, y juegos en la biblioteca.

Teen and Tween Councils

Get involved at your neighborhood library! Councils meet twice monthly and work with library staff to improve services. Members earn volunteer hours. Middle and high school students can join teen council; younger youth (ages 9-12) can join tween council.

Mergent Market Atlas

Find financial information about U.S. and international, publicly-traded companies.


We have virtual, remote and in-person volunteer opportunities.

Juneteenth: Family Craft Day

Sat Jun 8
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Hollywood Library

Join your Hollywood library Black Culture Library Advocates for painting, collages, stickers, and button making to celebrate Juneteenth! Supplies will be provided.

Explore these contributions from authors who write from the intersections of their Indigenous, Black and African American identities. 

Công bằng và hòa nhập

Thư viện quan tâm đặc biệt đến tiếng nói của những nhóm chịu ảnh hưởng nhiều nhất bởi chủ nghĩa phân biệt chủng tộc và nạn áp bức. Chúng tôi công nhận và tôn vinh sức mạnh, sự thông thái và kiến thức của họ. Sứ mệnh của thư viện chính là thúc đẩy, tạo điều kiện cho các cộng đồng đa dạng có thể học tập và sáng tạo.

Congressional Publications

Access U.S. legislative information and a variety of information by and about Congress. Search congressional publications, find congressional testimony, track bills through Congress and more.

Noticias y hechos

La Biblioteca del Condado de Multnomah es la biblioteca pública más antigua de la costa oeste, con una historia que data de 1864. Hoy en día, la Biblioteca Central y otras 19 bibliotecas del vecindario constituyen un sistema de bibliotecas que ofrece más de 2.8 millones de libros y otros artículos de la biblioteca. Como la biblioteca pública más grande de Oregón, la Biblioteca del Condado de Multnomah da servicio a casi una quinta parte de la población del estado.

Mes de Herencia Hispana y Latina: Sopa de Frijoles Negros

Wed Oct 16
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Gresham Library

¡Aprenda a preparar una auténtica sopa mexicana de frijoles negros deliciosa, saludable y satisfactoria con nuestra luminosa chef local, Edurne!

Learn to make a delicious, healthy and satisfying authentic Mexican black bean soup.

Equidad e inclusión

La biblioteca centra las voces de los más afectados por el racismo y los sistemas de opresión. Reconocemos y honramos su fuerza, sabiduría y conocimiento. La misión de la biblioteca es empoderar a las diversas comunidades para aprender y crear.

Juneteenth: The Art of Freedom

Fri Jun 28
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Capitol Hill Library

It's Freedom Friday, and we're celebrating Juneteenth!

Today at Capitol Hill, staff will lead a special arts program to honor the season and teach kids the history of Juneteenth.

"Matriarch" Collins Gallery Exhibition

Fri Mar 8
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Central Library

In power, in control, in the lead, in front, inbound, inside, intact, intent, indispensable, inalienable, Black Women, indeed.

Art exhibition featuring works by Sunshine Dixon, Sadé DuBoise, David F. Walker, Dr S. Renee Mitchell and Elijah Hasan. 

This event is supported by gifts from the Library Foundation.

"Matriarch" Collins Gallery Exhibition

Thu Mar 7
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Central Library

In power, in control, in the lead, in front, inbound, inside, intact, intent, indispensable, inalienable, Black Women, indeed.

Art exhibition featuring works by Sunshine Dixon, Sadé DuBoise, David F. Walker, Dr S. Renee Mitchell and Elijah Hasan. 

This event is supported by gifts from the Library Foundation.