Land a paying job
An eight-minute video by the Harvard Business Review. Cover letters aren’t always required but might be needed for internships and other opportunities.
Find jobs in the food service and hospitality industries.
Find jobs for teens within 20 miles of Portland, Oregon.
SummerWorks is a paid summer internship program for youth ages 16-24 in the Portland metro area.
Know your worker rights
Learn what kinds of work minors (people under 18) can legally do in Oregon and what employers must provide for young employees.
More on your rights and responsibilities at work, from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Learn skills & get experience
A free, online resource you can use with your library card. It has tons of video courses to help you learn new skills. You can even earn badges to add to your resume or online profiles.
Help the library and gain new skills that can help you in a future job.