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Searching for "[current-page:query:search_api_fulltext]" and displaying 251 - 275 of 3882 search results

Two-Spirit Printmaking Social

Thu Jun 13
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Hollywood Library

Culturally relevant and identity-supporting print-making night where adults who identify as Two-Spirit/LGBTQ+ can make pride bling with medallions, posters, flags, and learn more about local Two-Spirit resources.

Music Class for ages 6-9

Mon Jun 24
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Rockwood Library

Come make music! Musician Irina Myachkin's classes encourage creativity and socialization. Kids will sing songs and learn the building blocks for creating music. The main goal of the lesson is to develop children's musical ear, perception and taste, and have fun with music! 

Music Class for ages 3 to 6

Mon Jun 24
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Rockwood Library

Come make music! Musician Irina Myachkin's classes encourage creativity and socialization. Kids will sing songs and learn the building blocks for creating music. The main goal of the lesson is to develop children's musical ear, perception and taste, and have fun with music! 

Украшения из полимерной глины

Wed Jun 12
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Gresham Library

Украшения из полимерной глины

Сборка красивых браслетов из полимерной глины. Этот проект очень оригинальный, креативный и веселый! Каждый участник сможет изготовить свой собственный браслет и забрать его домой.


ВНИМАНИЕ: Программа рассчитана на детей старше 7 лет и взрослых.


"Summer Berries" Clay Wreath

Mon Jun 10
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Rockwood Library

Join us for an art class where you will learn techniques to create summer berries out of clay. Each participant will create their own piece of art to take home!

ATTENTION: The program is designed for adults and children over 5 years old. Space is limited.

Русский книжный клуб / Russian Book Group

Sun Jun 2
1:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Gresham Library

«Фиеста» - Хемингуэй Эрнест

«Фиеста» («Фиеста. И восходит солнце») – один из самых знаменитых романов Хемингуэя, своеобразный литературный манифест «потерянного поколения» 20-х годов XX века.

«Фиеста» – роман автобиографический. В основу его легли увлечение писателем корридой, дружба с одним испанским матадором, переживания, вызванные разрывом с женой. Почти все персонажи романa – друзья Хемингуэя. Атмосфера послевоенного Парижа, знаменитые литературные кафе, существующие по сей день, испанская коррида, рыбалка, влюбленность в женщину и невозможность быть с ней, ревность, разочарования, попытка забыться алкоголем – все это описано в свойственном Хемингуэю «телеграфном» стиле, лаконичном и сдержанном. И тем не менее читателей пленяет и завораживает эта история.

Пшеничное плетение

Tue Aug 20
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Holgate Library

Участники узнают, как собрать из стеблей пшеницы сердце и куклу или ангела.

Participants will learn how to assemble wheat stalks to make a heart and a doll or an angel

Роспись камней

Tue Aug 6
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Rockwood Library

Приглашаем детей и их родителей на роспись морских камней в стилях хохломы и гжели с художницей Любовью Романовой!

Program conducted in Russian.

Kукурузные куклы

Wed Jul 24
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Gresham Library

Участники сделают двух кукол из сушеных листьев кукурузы.

Participants will make two dolls using dried corn husk leaves.

We are Drawing Summer

Mon Jul 15
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Rockwood Library

Under the guidance of artist Liya Kot Kurkov, get acquainted with the rules of drawing and the correct use of pencils, erasers, brushes, and paints as you create a picture on a summer theme. 

ATTENTION: Accompaniment by an adult is required.

Retablos de Amor / Altarpieces of Love

Sat May 4
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Hollywood Library

Enjoy making small altarpieces in wood and cardboard, painted in acrylic Caribbean colors to place portraits, ceramics or favorite objects. /Disfruta haciendo retablos pequeños en madera y cartón, pintados en colores caribeños acrílicos para colocar retratos, cerámicas u objetos favoritos

Book Babies

Fri Aug 23
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Gregory Heights Library

Babies from birth to 12 months (with a favorite adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes, and playtime, with bonus socialization for babies and the adults.  

Attendance is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

Book Babies

Fri Aug 16
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Gregory Heights Library

Babies from birth to 12 months (with a favorite adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes, and playtime, with bonus socialization for babies and the adults.  

Attendance is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

Book Babies

Fri Aug 9
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Gregory Heights Library

Babies from birth to 12 months (with a favorite adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes, and playtime, with bonus socialization for babies and the adults.  

Attendance is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

Rainbow Family Storytime

Fri Aug 2
11:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Gregory Heights Library

Children from birth to age 6 (with a favorite adult) enjoy books highlighting LGBTQ+ families, along with songs, rhymes and movement activities building language, literacy, and community in an identity-supporting environment.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

Book Babies

Fri Aug 2
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Gregory Heights Library

Babies from birth to 12 months (with a favorite adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes, and playtime, with bonus socialization for babies and the adults.  

Attendance is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

Book Babies

Fri Jul 26
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Gregory Heights Library

Babies from birth to 12 months (with a favorite adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes, and playtime, with bonus socialization for babies and the adults.  

Attendance is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

Book Babies

Fri Jul 19
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Gregory Heights Library

Babies from birth to 12 months (with a favorite adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes, and playtime, with bonus socialization for babies and the adults.  

Attendance is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

Book Babies

Fri Jul 12
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Gregory Heights Library

Babies from birth to 12 months (with a favorite adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes, and playtime, with bonus socialization for babies and the adults.  

Attendance is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

Rainbow Family Storytime

Fri Jul 5
11:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Gregory Heights Library

Children from birth to age 6 (with a favorite adult) enjoy books highlighting LGBTQ+ families, along with songs, rhymes and movement activities building language, literacy, and community in an identity-supporting environment.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

Book Babies

Fri Jul 5
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Gregory Heights Library

Babies from birth to 12 months (with a favorite adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes, and playtime, with bonus socialization for babies and the adults.  

Attendance is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

Book Babies

Fri Jun 28
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Gregory Heights Library

Babies from birth to 12 months (with a favorite adult) enjoy songs, action rhymes, and playtime, with bonus socialization for babies and the adults.  

Attendance is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

Rainbow Family Storytime

Fri Jun 7
11:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Gregory Heights Library

Children from birth to age 6 (with a favorite adult) enjoy books highlighting LGBTQ+ families, along with songs, rhymes and movement activities building language, literacy, and community in an identity-supporting environment.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

Black Storytime: Hip-Hop Summer Jam!

Wed Aug 21
6:00 PM - 6:45 PM
Gresham Library

Join us this summer for a Black Storytime series celebrating African and African American heritage and culture! Children from birth to age 6 (with their favorite adult/family members) will have fun with books and stories, songs, a craft, and movement activities in a positive and affirming environment. Black Storytime builds language and literacy skills your child needs to be ready for kindergarten.

Attendance is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.

Black Storytime: Hip-Hop Summer Jam!

Wed Jul 31
6:00 PM - 6:45 PM
Gresham Library

Join us this summer for a Black Storytime series celebrating African and African American heritage and culture! Children from birth to age 6 (with their favorite adult/family members) will have fun with books and stories, songs, a craft, and movement activities in a positive and affirming environment. Black Storytime builds language and literacy skills your child needs to be ready for kindergarten.

Attendance is limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

Multnomah County Library storytimes are supported by gifts made to The Library Foundation.