Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
CANCELED - Tech Help Drop-in
This event has been canceled. For future events, please view the Multnomah County Library events page.
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Ayuda Tecnológica / Tech Help Drop-in
¿Tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda tecnológica?
Reúnase individualmente con alguno de nuestros amables ayudantes de tecnología. Contestamos sus preguntas sobre dispositivos móviles, sitios web, computadoras, cómo comenzar a usar tecnología y mucho más.
Las sesiones serán de 30 minutos por orden de llegada. Se llevarán a cabo en Community Room 1B - a la izquierda al entrar la biblioteca
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Location: Upon entering the library turn left - Community Room 1B
基础科技辅助 / Chinese Tech Help Drop-In
让友善的工作人员或志工朋友与您一同坐下来,帮助您找到有关移动设备、网站、科技入门等问题的答案。无需预约注册,先到先服务。辅助时间约为30分钟。地点在中央图书馆楼社区联谊室 1B (入门左转)。
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Tech Help Drop-in
We can help you with technology!
Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.
Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.
Location: Upon entering the library turn left - Community Room 1B
Ayuda Tecnológica / Tech Help Drop-in
¿Tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda tecnológica?
Reúnase individualmente con alguno de nuestros amables ayudantes de tecnología. Contestamos sus preguntas sobre dispositivos móviles, sitios web, computadoras, cómo comenzar a usar tecnología y mucho más.
Las sesiones serán de 30 minutos por orden de llegada. Se llevarán a cabo en Community Room 1B - a la izquierda al entrar la biblioteca
基础科技辅助 / Chinese Tech Help Drop-In
让友善的工作人员或志工朋友与您一同坐下来,帮助您找到有关移动设备、网站、科技入门等问题的答案。无需预约注册,先到先服务。辅助时间约为30分钟。地点在中央图书馆楼社区联谊室 1B (入门左转)。