Events & Classes

Displaying 1 - 20 of 30
Jun 3

Resume Review Drop-in

Mon Jun 3
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Kenton Library

Do you need some help with your resume? Are you unsure about your choice of words? Struggling to describe your accomplishments? Come meet with an experienced volunteer for a one-on-one review. If you have a paper copy of your resume, please bring it along. 

No registration required, drop in during the scheduled time for first come first served help. Sessions are generally 30 minutes.

Jun 5

Goodwill Industries Job Connection Services Info Session

Wed Jun 5
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Belmont Library

Meet with an Employment Specialist from Goodwill Industries to learn about the many job search support services they offer including resume writing, interviewing, computer skills and other skills training. 

No need to register, drop in any time during the session to get information and have your questions answered. 

Jun 7

Aprende los conceptos básicos de Google Drive

Fri Jun 7
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Aprende cómo guardar y compartir archivos en Google Drive. Práctica el uso de Drive, y obtén consejos útiles sobre cómo mantenerlo organizado.

En este taller discutiremos y practicaremos cómo:

  • añadir archivos y carpetas a su Google Drive,
  • mover archivos y carpetas,
  • cómo buscar sus archivos y carpetas,
  • y cómo añadir archivos y carpetas con otras personas.
Jun 11

Resume Review Drop-in

Tue Jun 11
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Capitol Hill Library

Do you need some help with your resume? Are you unsure about your choice of words? Struggling to describe your accomplishments? Come meet with an experienced volunteer for a one-on-one review. If you have a paper copy of your resume, please bring it along. 

No registration required, drop in during the scheduled time for first come first served help. Sessions are generally 30 minutes.

Jun 11

Resume Review Drop-in

Tue Jun 11
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Woodstock Library

Do you need some help with your resume? Are you unsure about your choice of words? Struggling to describe your accomplishments? Come meet with an experienced volunteer for a one-on-one review. If you have a paper copy of your resume, please bring it along. 

No registration required, drop in during the scheduled time for first come first served help. Sessions are generally 30 minutes.

Jun 13

Learn Gmail with Goodwill Industries

Thu Jun 13
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Gregory Heights Library

Learn to create, or better utilize, a Google Email (Gmail) account. This course offers students the opportunity to create an email account to assist in learning additional skills offered in our other Google Suite classes.

Jun 14

Aprende los básicos de Google Sites

Fri Jun 14
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Google Sites es un creador de sitios web fácil de usar, ofrecido por Google. En esta clase, aprenderás como usar Google Sites para crear un sitio web gratuito sin codificación y con pocos clics.

Hablaremos sobre:

  • Como empezar con Google Sites,
  • Como añadir contenido a su sitio,
  • Como crear y editar nuevas páginas, cargar imágenes y logotipos,
  • y cómo agregar navegación a un sitio.
Jun 17

Resume Review Drop-in

Mon Jun 17
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Kenton Library

Do you need some help with your resume? Are you unsure about your choice of words? Struggling to describe your accomplishments? Come meet with an experienced volunteer for a one-on-one review. If you have a paper copy of your resume, please bring it along. 

No registration required, drop in during the scheduled time for first come first served help. Sessions are generally 30 minutes.

Jun 18

Microsoft Word with Goodwill Industries

Tue Jun 18
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Gresham Library

Begin to master the spectrum of capabilities within Microsoft Word, gaining practical formatting skills and an introduction to advanced skills such as design and layout. Students will learn to navigate the tabs and ribbon within Word and understand how to use the tools that word processing software can provide to job seekers and employees in the workforce.

Jun 20

Babysitter Training

Thu Jun 20
10:15 AM - 5:00 PM
St. Johns Library

This Safety Side Up course provides discussion, activities and hands-on practice to increase your confidence and give you the skills you need to be the best babysitter possible, including, safely find and prepare for a babysitting job, care for kids of all ages and deal with difficult situations, prepare safe and fun activities, making safe choices and basic first aid. This program geared toward mature 11-16 year-olds. 

Jun 20

Learn about Google Drive with Goodwill Industries

Thu Jun 20
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Gregory Heights Library

Gain a greater understanding of the power and use cases for Cloud Storage through the lens of Google Drive. Building upon the Gmail class, the Google Drive class offers students an introduction to the integration of the Google ecosystem. Students will learn the benefits of using cloud storage, allowing them to further understand how to upload, create, and interact with file storage.

Jun 21

Babysitter Training

Fri Jun 21
10:15 AM - 5:15 PM
Woodstock Library

This Safety Side Up course provides discussion, activities and hands-on practice to increase your confidence and give you the skills you need to be the best babysitter possible, including, safely find and prepare for a babysitting job, care for kids of all ages and deal with difficult situations, prepare safe and fun activities, making safe choices and basic first aid.

Lunch is provided.

Jun 21

Microsoft Word with Goodwill Industries

Fri Jun 21
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Rockwood Library

Begin to master the spectrum of capabilities within Microsoft Word, gaining practical formatting skills and an introduction to advanced skills such as design and layout. Students will learn to navigate the tabs and ribbon within Word and understand how to use the tools that word processing software can provide to job seekers and employees in the workforce.

Jun 22

Babysitter Training

Sat Jun 22
10:15 AM - 5:15 PM
Sellwood-Moreland Library

This Safety Side Up course provides discussion, activities and hands-on practice to increase your confidence and give you the skills you need to be the best babysitter possible, including, safely find and prepare for a babysitting job, care for kids of all ages and deal with difficult situations, prepare safe and fun activities, making safe choices and basic first aid.

Lunch is provided.

Jun 25

Microsoft Excel with Goodwill Industries

Tue Jun 25
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Gresham Library

Enhance your professional competencies by beginning to utilize the capabilities possible with Microsoft Excel. Students will be introduced to critical Excel functions such as creating graphs and tables from data sets, becoming familiar with tools to sort and filter large data sets, and enhance the efficiency of their data entry.

Jun 25

Resume Review Drop-in

Tue Jun 25
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Capitol Hill Library

Do you need some help with your resume? Are you unsure about your choice of words? Struggling to describe your accomplishments? Come meet with an experienced volunteer for a one-on-one review. If you have a paper copy of your resume, please bring it along. 

No registration required, drop in during the scheduled time for first come first served help. Sessions are generally 30 minutes.

Jun 25

Resume Review Drop-in

Tue Jun 25
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Woodstock Library

Do you need some help with your resume? Are you unsure about your choice of words? Struggling to describe your accomplishments? Come meet with an experienced volunteer for a one-on-one review. If you have a paper copy of your resume, please bring it along. 

No registration required, drop in during the scheduled time for first come first served help. Sessions are generally 30 minutes.

Jun 26

Find your next career with BankWork$

Wed Jun 26
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Join Prescoln Visathep, Career Navigator from SE Works to learn more about BankWork$. BankWork$ is a no cost, eight week career training program that prepares you for an entry-level position in the banking industry. Through this training, you will have the opportunity to:

Jun 28

Usando Google Sheets para su negocio

Fri Jun 28
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

En esta clase, aprenderemos como usar Google sheets para su negocio. A continuación, aplicaremos lo que aprendas al uso de una plantilla de contabilidad empresarial.

Hablaremos sobre:

Jul 9

Babysitter Training

Tue Jul 9
10:15 AM - 5:15 PM
Gresham Library

This Safety Side Up course provides discussion, activities and hands-on practice to increase your confidence and give you the skills you need to be the best babysitter possible, including, safely find and prepare for a babysitting job, care for kids of all ages and deal with difficult situations, prepare safe and fun activities, making safe choices and basic first aid.

Lunch is provided.