Ancestry Library Edition
Acceda a miles de millones de nombres en bases de datos genealógicas que incluyen registros de censos, listas de pasajeros y registros del Reino Unido e Irlanda. Versión para bibliotecas de solo disponible en bibliotecas.
Digital Sanborn Maps 1867-1970
Detailed historical maps of cities and towns in Oregon. Each map shows details of buildings, streets and neighborhoods.
Heritage Hub
Death notices and obituaries from newspapers around the United States.
HeritageQuest Online
Una colección de materiales para investigar historias familiares, incluyendo registros de censos y otras fuentes primarias.
The Historical Oregonian (1861-1987)
The Oregonian newspapers from 1861-1987.
New York Times (1980-present)
News and current events from the New York Times newspaper 1980-present.
New York Times Historical
Read the full-text of every page of the New York Times, cover to cover, in downloadable PDF format. Find articles on national and international affairs, businesses, sports, New York regional news, regular columns, biographical stories, and reports on science, medicine, the arts, and more.
Oregon Journal (1902-1982)
A digital archive of the Oregon Journal, 1902-1982.
The Oregonian (1987-present)
Articles from The Oregonian starting in 1987.