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Searching for "Black History Month: Stones, Bones and Black-Eyed Peas" and displaying 376 - 400 of 505 search results

We asked library staff who read a lot of manga to share their favorite series.

Salones de reuniones públicos

Dieciocho bibliotecas ofrecen el uso gratuito de los salones de reuniones para reuniones y programas con fines educativos, culturales, cívicos o recreativos. Las reuniones y programas que se llevan a cabo en los salones de reuniones de la biblioteca deben ser gratuitos, abiertos y de posible interés para el público en general.

Multnomah County Library breaks ground on new Northwest Library location June 5

PORTLAND, Ore––June 4, 2024
Multnomah County Library is breaking ground on one of its exciting new buildings. Northwest Library is moving to a new location, going from a leased space at 2300 NW Thurman to 2030 NW Pettygrove Street. This new location will be around 11,000 square feet, more than twice the size of the current building at 4,700 square feet.

The 33rd Summer Olympic Games will take place in Paris, France from July 26 to August 11, 2024 with the 16th Summer Paralympic Games following on August 28 to September 8.

Explore this list of works from writers who identify as being Afro-American, Black, African American, Latino, Latinx or Latine.



The library's Chinese language services

Multnomah County Library offers services to the community in several languages. One of these is Chinese. The library’s Chinese speaking team offers activities, resources and events specifically for the Chinese community.

Las canciones con contenidos culturales no solamente ofrecen un vocabulario apropiado en nuestro idioma sino que involucran elementos de tradiciones y costumbres también.

Mùa thuế năm 2024: Các biểu mẫu và sự hỗ trợ

Hạn chót nộp tờ khai thuế liên bang và tiểu bang là Thứ Hai ngày 15 tháng 4. Nhân viên thư viện không thể chuẩn bị hồ sơ khai thuế, tư vấn các vấn đề về thuế hoặc diễn giải luật thuế nhưng họ có thể giúp kết nối quý vị với tài liệu và thông tin.

What to read after Martin, Rothfuss, Hobb, and Kay? Here are some fantasies, mostly epic, set in other worlds.

2024 年税务问题:表格与协助

联邦和州的报税截止日期为 4月15日 星期一。 图书馆工作人员无法就报税问题提供协助,也无法就税务问题提供建议或为您讲解税法,但他们可以帮助您找到相关资源。