Educator's Reference Complete
Intended for professional educators and undergraduate and graduate students in the field of education. Find full-text periodicals covering a variety of disciplines and levels from preschool to college. Search for reports from the U.S. Department of Education and resources on educational specialties and issues related to administration, funding, and policies.
Images, videos, e-books, and full-text articles from newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals.
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos
World Book Encyclopedia Online offers a search interface and information in Spanish. Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos is a beginner’s Spanish language reference tool.
Citations to articles on all aspects of education, from early childhood education to higher education, including adult, vocational, technical and teacher education. It is especially useful for curriculum guides and teaching resources not indexed in other databases.
Essay And General Literature Index
This resource provides citations only and not full-text articles to English-language essays in collections and anthologies in the humanities. Many of these essays do not appear in other databases.
Ethnic NewsWatch
Discover community viewpoints from local, ethnic and minority press news sources nationwide. This is often the only online source for this content.
ExLibris Journal Search
This resource helps you locate specific journals and other serials, and provides links to one or more online library resources containing the title.
Fiction Core Collection
Get librarian-recommended titles for a general adult audience - including mystery, science fiction, fantasy, Western, and romance.
Financial Ratings Series
Institutional ratings on banks, credit unions, insurers and financial planning tools.
Foundation Directory Online Professional
View the recent funding history of larger foundations and the recipient type from the Foundation Center.
Gale Academic OneFile
Peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources.
Gale Business: Entrepreneurship
Articles covering all major areas of starting, operating, and maintaining a business, from financing to management, marketing, accounting, taxes and more.
Gale Directory Library
This resource provides online access to several Gale reference sources.
Gale eBooks
Access full-text reference e-books from Gale and other publishers.
Gale Health and Wellness
Reliable health information for people without medical training. Search for facts about diseases, drugs, or treatments in English and Spanish.
Gale in Context: Biography
Find biographies and images. Search by name, country, ethnicity, job, or birth or death date.
Gale in Context: Elementary
Find articles, maps, charts and pictures for kids in Kindergarten through grade 5.
Gale in Context: High School
Access reference articles from acclaimed publications, periodical and newspaper articles from the New York Times, U.S. News and World Report, creative works, video and audio clips, podcasts, plays and poems, topic overviews, biographies, pieces of literary criticism, and study guide questions.
Gale in Context: Middle School
This resource is intended for middle school and high school students. It includes content based on national curriculum standards in major subject areas such as history, literature, science, and social studies.
Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints
Find information and discussions about current social issues and topics in the news, including arguments from different viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints contains full-text articles, opinion pieces from reference sources, magazine and newspaper articles, pamphlets, transcripts, statistics, and links to selected websites.
Gale Literature Criticism
Search for authors, poetry and literary criticism resources to help you with your term paper.
Gale Literature Resource Center
Find information on current and historical authors and their writings: criticism, biographies, overviews, reviews, and multimedia. Search for authors by nationality, literary movements, themes and genres.
Gale OneFile: Business
Covers business, management, industry, economics, politics and investments. Includes articles from trade publications, journals, magazines, company profiles, full-text of Investext investment reports and recent newswire releases.
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine
Up-to-date information on health, fitness, medicine and more. For healthcare professionals and students.
Gale OneFile: High School Edition
One stop shopping for your high school research needs. Read news articles, encyclopedia entries, listen to radio shows, and find ways to narrow your topic.