Suggest a purchase for the Black Resources Collection

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Multnomah County Library is community built; it’s your library. What do you want to see in the collection? Use our suggest a purchase form to request specific books, CDs, audiobooks or e-books be added to the library’s collection. You can make recommendations of materials the library can purchase to include in the Black Resources Collection and the Black Pacific Northwest Collection.

“The Black Resources Collection is a cultural collection that’s spread throughout all the locations,” says Alicia Tate, selections librarian. Materials in this collection are created by and about the Black experience and Black diaspora — not just the American experience.” 

Also part of the Black Cultural Library Advocates team, Alicia adds and curates the Black Resources Collection and the Pacific Northwest Collection. 

Currently the Black Resources Collection has over 11,000 physical books, over 200 physical audiobooks, and a mix of 200 DVD’s, CD’s and e-content. “Materials range from the latest fiction title to out-of-print newspapers,” shares Alicia. “This collection also has materials for all ages.”

If you have a favorite cookbook, picture book, movie or other material you’d like included in the Black Resources Collection, make a suggestion today!

Reading lists

New and forthcoming Black Resources Collection

Black Resource Collection is a cultural collection offering a variety of materials that are primarily written by African Diasporic authors. Ranging from the latest fiction titles to out-of-print newspapers, this collection also has materials for all ages that focus on the experience of the African Diaspora. BRC materials can be found at all library locations. This is a list of exciting new and forthcoming titles from the collection's selector.