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Honoring Black Labor for adults

The 2025 theme for Black History Month focuses on uplifting the Black community's various and profound contributions that have shaped American society. This list is highlighting the different types of labor, both paid and unpaid, that deserve recognition. The books featured here represent different forms of labor, such as providing education, organized efforts for community and activism, providing service, demonstrating innovation and excellence in their respected career paths, and many more. Created by the Black Cultural Library Advocates Team, we aim to celebrate the accomplishments made by those who came before us, as well as give flowers to those currently making positive impacts!

Honoring Black Labor for kids

It's Black History Month! The theme for 2025 is focused on celebrating the wonderful contributions made by leaders, activists, and other heroes who have an inspiring story to tell about their accomplishments and impact on the world. Created by the Black Cultural Library Advocates Team, these picture books are a great start to begin teaching children of all ages about Black history as they learn and grow!

Black History Month 2025 - African Americans in Labor

"The 2025 Black History Month theme, African Americans, and Labor, focuses on the various and profound ways that work and working of all kinds – free and unfree, skilled, and unskilled, vocational and voluntary – intersect with the collective experiences of Black people. Indeed, work is at the very center of much of Black history and culture." - from the Association for the Study of African American Life and History This Black History Month, check out a book (or several!) from this list to expand your knowledge about seen and unseen labor carried out by the Black community. Organized by publication date, this list focuses on a variety of labor performed by the Black community, from agriculture to nursing, from entertainment to prison labor.