IMSLP Petrucci Music Library (Website)


IMSLP stands for International Music Score Library Project, a wiki-based source for public domain music scores, recordings, and information about musical works. View and print pdfs of scores and parts. Comprehensive indexes make searching by composers, performers, eras, type of music and genre, nationality, instrumentation, and melody possible.

Try this excellent resource if you are looking for music unavailable at Multnomah County Library.

Music scores can often be borrowed for you through Interlibrary Loan.

Use this resource if:

  • You are studying a symphony and want to print out the part for a specific instrument - a full score.
  • You are looking for examples of music by type of composition, such as a barcarolle or galliard.

IMSLP includes original publications of old music books, for example, The Scots Musical Museum, a tune book first published in 1787 and scanned into the Petrucci Music Library by the National Library of Scotland.