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Books, events and other fun stuff at the library
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Kids and family events

May 18

Family Storytime

May 18
Sat May 18
9:15 AM - 9:45 AM
Библиотека Woodstock

Children from birth to age 6 (with a favorite adult) enjoy books, songs, rhymes and movement activities while building language and literacy skills.

May 18

Bike Storytime

May 18
Sat May 18
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Библиотека Capitol Hill

Celebrate National Bike Month in this special storytime featuring books, songs, and activities with a bike theme!

Free kids' bike lights for attendees while supplies last. 

May 18

Bike Storytime - outdoors

May 18
Sat May 18
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Библиотека округа Малтнома в Орегонском университете

Join us for outdoor storytime designed for families with young children!

May 18

Family Storytime

May 18
Sat May 18
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Библиотека Woodstock

Children from birth to age 6 (with a favorite adult) enjoy books, songs, rhymes and movement activities while building language and literacy skills.