Конференц-зал библиотеки North Portland


Feb 4

Native Storytime

Feb 4
Tue Feb 4
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Библиотека North Portland

Children ages birth to 6 along with their families, elders, aunties and uncles are welcome for songs and stories celebrating Native cultures and building language and literacy skills.

Mar 4

Native Storytime

Mar 4
Tue Mar 4
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Библиотека North Portland

Children ages birth to 6 along with their families, elders, aunties and uncles are welcome for songs and stories celebrating Native cultures and building language and literacy skills.

Apr 1

Native Storytime

Apr 1
Tue Apr 1
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Библиотека North Portland

Children ages birth to 6 along with their families, elders, aunties and uncles are welcome for songs and stories celebrating Native cultures and building language and literacy skills.