Alison K

Profile picture for user alisonk

Audiobooks, middle grade fiction, literary fiction, journeys, underdogs, brain science, art, and DIY. 

Recent favorites: Booth, A Snake Falls to EarthThe Book of Form and Emptiness, The Bear and Adam Conover's Factually podcast.

I love talking books, music, movies -- you name it! Ask me for a list or tell me about something you love. Follow me on My MCL.

Reading lists

Our Urban Forest: We all have a tree story!

Over 218,000 street trees, 1.2 million park trees, and 2.9 million private property trees -- that's Portland's precious urban forest! Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) Urban Forestry's mission is to manage and ensure Portland's urban forest infrastructure for current and future generations. Become a tree champion with these books for all ages.