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Searching for "Black History Month: Family Craft Sundays" and displaying 326 - 350 of 385 search results

New Holgate Library to open in July as larger, modern library

PORTLAND, Ore.--June 17, 2024
Multnomah County Library is excited to announce the grand opening of the brand new Holgate Library on July 13, 2024. Holgate is the first new, permanent library to open in Multnomah County in more than a decade and the most energy efficient library ever built in Multnomah County. It’s a bright and modern space, built to be open, flexible and sustainable.

Protect yourself online

Many of our everyday activities, like school, work, doctor’s visits and banking are now online. This can make personal information vulnerable to cybercriminals. Learn more about how to protect yourself online.

Established in 2018, Prose Before Bros is a social book club for Women of Color (WOC) in Portland, Oregon. PBB is a community that provides a safe space for WOC to exist without explanation.

We asked library staff who read a lot of manga to share their favorite series.

The 33rd Summer Olympic Games will take place in Paris, France from July 26 to August 11, 2024 with the 16th Summer Paralympic Games following on August 28 to September 8.

Explore this list of works from writers who identify as being Afro-American, Black, African American, Latino, Latinx or Latine.

The library's Chinese language services

Multnomah County Library offers services to the community in several languages. One of these is Chinese. The library’s Chinese speaking team offers activities, resources and events specifically for the Chinese community.

What to read after Martin, Rothfuss, Hobb, and Kay? Here are some fantasies, mostly epic, set in other worlds.

Annie Lewis begins as Multnomah County Library Interim Director

PORTLAND, Ore. — June 3, 2024. Former Multnomah County Library Deputy Director Annie Lewis begins a new term today as Multnomah County Library Interim Director of Libraries after the retirement of longtime Director of Libraries Vailey Oehlke. Lewis has served as deputy director since 2021.

Trees are so much more than a product to be harvested, and scientists are discovering more about them everyday. Take a deep, green dive into the subject with these titles.

¿Te gustan las luchas y los luchadores? ¿Qué tal El Santo, Blue Demon y Rey Misterio?

Suggestions for your 'read historical fiction' activity as you play Read 4 Life 2020, the library's adult summer reading game.