Juneteenth: Charles Henry Turner's World of Insects

сб июн 8
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Have you ever stopped to watch those creatures that scurry around in your yard or fly past you? Those are bugs and insects, nature's tiny superheroes! For every one person on Earth, there are about 200 million bugs! They come in all colors and shapes, with some cool stories to tell.

We know a lot about bugs because of the discoveries of Dr. Charles Henry Turner (1837-1923). Dr. Turner was the entomologist who discovered insects could think, see, hear and learn. He is the first Black scientist to be published in Science magazine in 1892, and his work transformed the field of natural science!  

Join us learning more about bugs and insects everywhere, common ones found in Portland, their habitats, and adventures in nature! We'll celebrate Juneteenth by honoring Charles Henry Turner’s life, achievements, and contributions to science.

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