Worldbuilding Game Jam for teens, with Shing Yin Khor

周二 2月 6
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Join us for a fast-paced workshop where we’ll learn analog game-making techniques and make a lot of small games together. We’ll build worlds and characters using principles from role-playing games, creative writing and theater.

Shing Yin Khor is a multidisciplinary graphic novelist, analog game designer, and installation artist exploring mythic Americana and new human rituals, at the intersection of race, gender, immigrant stories, and queerness. They are the author of The American Dream? A Journey on Route 66, one of NPR’s Best Books of the Year in 2019, and The Legend of Auntie Po, a 2022 Eisner Award-winner and a National Book Award finalist. Their games and immersive installations, such as the live mail game Remember August, which won the 2022 Indiecade Tabletop Award, and the guerrilla art performance The Gentle Oraclebird, create delightful interruptions in everyday life.
Learn more at

Photo of guest Shing Yin Khor in a black t-shirt and grey stocking cap, next to a small dog with white fur

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