Learn about Google Sheets with Goodwill Industries

周四 1月 30
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Build spreadsheet skills with the cloud-based, free software Google Sheets. This class, friendly to beginners with Google Accounts, allows an alternative to the Microsoft Excel class, while teaching many of the same skills. In this class, students become familiar with the user experience using Google Sheets, learn how to format cells, perform functions, and create graphs and tables.
Google Sheets Class Objectives:  

  • Learn how to access Google Sheets.
  • Get started with an overview of available tools and functions.  
  • Learn how to make and edit charts.
  • Understand how to use formula functions, like SUM and AVERAGE.
  • Recognize ways to use formulas and autofill.

Presented by volunteers from Goodwill Industries of the Columbia Willamette.

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