Taller de Títeres: La Aventura Natural de Nico

周六 8月 17
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

¡Bienvenidos a un emocionante viaje al vibrante mundo de Nico, la babosa de plátano, y su aventura en Forest Park! En este programa interactivo, los niños no solo se sumergirán en la encantadora historia de Nico escrita por Joeanally Gonzalez, sino que también darán vida a los personajes a través de un taller creativo de títeres. Hablaremos del ecosistema de Forest Park y de la importancia de cuidarlo.

Welcome to an exciting journey into the vibrant world of Nico, the banana slug, and his adventure in Forest Park! In this interactive program, children will not only immerse themselves in the charming story of Nico written by Joeanally Gonzalez but also bring the characters to life
through a creative puppet workshop. We will talk about Forest Park's ecosystem and the importance of taking care of it.

Illustration of five different crafts: a colored pencil and ruler, a set of paints splattered on paper, glue and brush with folded paper, brightly colored string, needle and thread

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