
显示 367 中的第 1 - 20
3月 26

Giờ trợ giúp kỹ thuật bằng tiếng Việt/Vietnamese Tech Help

周三 3月 26
12:00 下午 - 2:00 下午
Holgate 图书馆

Quý vị có câu hỏi về kỹ thuật? Không cần đặt hẹn, xin hãy vào gặp một hỗ trợ viên thân thiện và am hiểu, người sẽ giúp quý vị tìm ra câu trả lời cho những câu hỏi về thiết bị di động, trang web, tải nội dung hoặc thông tin, thiết bị đọc sách điện tử, bắt đầu làm quen với kỹ thuật và còn nhiều vấn đề khác. Hỗ trợ viên giúp quý vị trong 30 phút, trả lời câu hỏi và hướng dẫn sử dụng những thiết bị và ứng dụng khác nhau. 

3月 26

Tech Help Drop-in

周三 3月 26
12:00 下午 - 2:00 下午
Holgate 图书馆

We can help you with technology! 

Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.

Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.

3月 26

Ayuda Tecnológica / Tech Help Drop-in

周三 3月 26
12:00 下午 - 2:00 下午
Holgate 图书馆

¿Tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda tecnológica?

Reúnase individualmente con alguno de nuestros amables ayudantes de tecnología. Contestamos sus preguntas sobre dispositivos móviles, sitios web, computadoras, cómo comenzar a usar tecnología y mucho más.

Las sesiones serán de 30 minutos por orden de llegada.

3月 26

Tech Help Drop In / Ayuda Tecnológica

周三 3月 26
1:00 下午 - 3:00 下午
Gresham 图书馆

We can help you with technology!

Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.

Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.  

¿Tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda tecnológica?

3月 26

Tech Help Drop-in/Ayuda Tecnológica

周三 3月 26
1:00 下午 - 3:00 下午
Gresham 图书馆

We can help you with technology!

Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.

Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.

¿Tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda tecnológica?

3月 26

Tech Help Drop-in

周三 3月 26
2:00 下午 - 4:00 下午
Troutdale 图书馆

We can help you with technology! 

Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.

Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.

3月 26

Video Creation Camp: YouTube and TikTok

周三 3月 26
2:00 下午 - 4:00 下午
Rockwood 图书馆

Do you want to be a YouTube star or go viral on TikTok? Up your game and learn the basic techniques of composition, light, audio, editing and storytelling through film. The Rockwood Makerspace and MetroEast Community Media will give you the tools to share your content using awesome audio/video recording equipment and software. For teens in grades 6-12.

3月 26

Tech Help Drop-in

周三 3月 26
3:00 下午 - 5:30 下午
Rockwood 图书馆

We can help you with technology! 

Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.

Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.

3月 26

iOS 应用程序班

周三 3月 26
5:00 下午 - 7:00 下午
Holgate 图书馆

免费 iOS 应用程序班 , 无需登记 .
可帶你的智能手机, 平板电脑 , 来学习.

3月 26

Tech Help Drop-in

周三 3月 26
5:30 下午 - 7:30 下午
Hillsdale 图书馆

We can help you with technology! 

Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.

Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.

3月 27

Ayuda Tecnológica / Tech Help Drop-in

周四 3月 27
10:00 上午 - 11:45 上午
Central 图书馆

¿Tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda tecnológica?

Reúnase individualmente con alguno de nuestros amables ayudantes de tecnología. Contestamos sus preguntas sobre dispositivos móviles, sitios web, computadoras, cómo comenzar a usar tecnología y mucho más.

Las sesiones serán de 30 minutos por orden de llegada.  Se llevarán a cabo en Community Room 1B - a la izquierda al entrar la biblioteca

3月 27

基础科技辅助 / Chinese Tech Help Drop-In

周四 3月 27
10:00 上午 - 11:45 上午
Central 图书馆



让友善的工作人员或志工朋友与您一同坐下来,帮助您找到有关移动设备、网站、科技入门等问题的答案。无需预约注册,先到先服务。辅助时间约为30分钟。地点在中央图书馆楼社区联谊室 1B (入门左转)。


3月 27

Tech Help Drop-in

周四 3月 27
10:00 上午 - 11:45 上午
Central 图书馆

We can help you with technology! 

Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.

Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.

Location: Upon entering the library turn left - Community Room 1B 

3月 27

Learn about Google Docs with Goodwill Industries

周四 3月 27
10:30 上午 - 12:00 下午
Midland 图书馆

Explore the potential of the free word processing software—Google Docs. This class (which requires students have a Google Account) introduces students to the formatting of Google Docs and allows students to explore the system of drop-down menus to format, create, and insert objects into a document.

3月 27

Computer Basics

周四 3月 27
12:00 下午 - 2:00 下午
North Portland 图书馆

Anyone new to computers, or returning after a long time, will benefit from this class.

We begin with the parts of a computer and how to recognize common icons and tools. Learners will also practice using a mouse and keyboard.

Library computers will be provided for use in class. No previous computer experience required.

3月 27

Tech Help Drop-in/Ayuda Tecnológica

周四 3月 27
1:00 下午 - 3:00 下午
Gresham 图书馆

We can help you with technology!

Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.

Appointments are on a first come, first served basis. 

¿Tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda tecnológica?

3月 27

Video Creation Camp: YouTube and TikTok

周四 3月 27
2:00 下午 - 4:00 下午
Rockwood 图书馆

Do you want to be a YouTube star or go viral on TikTok? Up your game and learn the basic techniques of composition, light, audio, editing and storytelling through film. The Rockwood Makerspace and MetroEast Community Media will give you the tools to share your content using awesome audio/video recording equipment and software. For teens in grades 6-12.

3月 27

Computer Basics

周四 3月 27
2:00 下午 - 4:00 下午
Holgate 图书馆

Anyone new to computers, or returning after a long time, will benefit from this class.

We begin with the parts of a computer and how to recognize common icons and tools. Learners will also practice using a mouse and keyboard.

Library computers will be provided for use in class. No previous computer experience required.

3月 27

Giờ trợ giúp kỹ thuật bằng tiếng Việt/Vietnamese Tech Help

周四 3月 27
4:00 下午 - 5:30 下午
Gregory Heights 图书馆

Quý vị có câu hỏi về kỹ thuật? Không cần đặt hẹn, xin hãy vào gặp một hỗ trợ viên thân thiện và am hiểu, người sẽ giúp quý vị tìm ra câu trả lời cho những câu hỏi về thiết bị di động, trang web, tải nội dung hoặc thông tin, thiết bị đọc sách điện tử, bắt đầu làm quen với kỹ thuật và còn nhiều vấn đề khác. Hỗ trợ viên giúp quý vị trong 30 phút, trả lời câu hỏi và hướng dẫn sử dụng những thiết bị và ứng dụng khác nhau. 

3月 27

Tech Help Drop-in

周四 3月 27
4:00 下午 - 5:30 下午
Gregory Heights 图书馆

We can help you with technology! 

Meet one-on-one with a friendly, knowledgeable Tech Helper who will help you find answers to questions about mobile devices, websites, getting started with tech, and more.

Appointments are on a first come, first served basis.