The library’s School Corps staff help students in grades K-12 succeed in school and improve their reading by facilitating access to library materials and showing students how to use public library resources.
Buckets of Books
Buckets of Books are available for anyone to check out. They contain 24-30 books on a topic, plus a teacher's guide. Each bucket is for a specific age group.
Search booklists on many popular topics for specific age groups. Use these booklists to place holds on individual titles.
Customized School Corps services
To use School Corps services, you must work for a school in Multnomah County as a teacher or library staff person. All services are free of charge. The library prioritizes service to schools using an equity model that incorporates race, language, poverty and test scores.
Send School Corps an assignment alert to request the following services. Customized services require three weeks of lead time.
Book collections (grades K-12)
If there isn’t a Bucket of Books or booklist available on your topic, we can send a customized book collection to a nearby library for you to check out.
Booklists (grades K-12)
School Corps staff can create a customized booklist on the topic you are teaching.
Let us create an annotated list of trusted websites on a topic to help your students with their research.
Classroom presentations
School Corps librarians can visit your classroom. Send us an assignment alert to request a presentation. School Corps staff will contact you to discuss any additional needs.
For more information, contact School Corps at lib.school.corps@multcolib.org or 503.988.6004.
Educator workshops
Fun Songs, Activities and Read-alouds for PreK-2nd grade
High Interest Books for Striving Readers in 3rd-8th grade
School Corps also offers these workshops to Multnomah County educators who serve school-age youth during district meetings or in-service days. To schedule, call us at 503-988-6004 or email lib.school.corps@multcolib.org.
School Corps Quarterly newsletter
Hear all about great opportunities and resources for your students while getting the scoop on the latest books curated by librarians, just for you.
Educator library cards
Educator cards allow users to check out and renew items for six weeks and have up to 40 unfilled holds at one time. The educator card is separate from the educator's personal library card.