Suggest a purchase

If there is a book, movie, CD, magazine or piece of music that you want the library to buy, let us know. Please remember, the library routinely buys bestsellers and popular authors. 

You can request to borrow books and CD audiobooks that are more than 10 years old from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan. The library is unable to borrow DVDs, blu-rays, and music CDs from other libraries. If you are suggesting an e-book or audiobook, please use Libby.

Frequently asked questions

  1. Click "Log in / My MCL" from the top right of any page and select "My Library Dashboard" from the drop-down menu.
  2. Log in when prompted, and select ‘Submit a Suggestion' from the "My Library Dashboard" menu on the left.
  3. Enter the information requested and click on "Submit" to send us your suggestion.

Each Multnomah County Library cardholder may suggest up to two items per month. 

The fastest and easiest way to suggest an e-book or downloadable audiobook is through the Libby app or the Libby website. Instructions for how to submit suggestions are available on the Libby Help Site

If you cannot locate a title to recommend in Libby, then it is not available for the library to purchase.

Ask library staff if you need assistance.

Online resources can be suggested via email.

To check on the status of previous requests:

  1. Click “Log in / My MCL” from the top right of any page
  2. Select “My Library Dashboard” from the drop-down menu
  3. Choose “Suggested this month” from the dashboard menu on the left

There are many reasons that the library is unable to purchase items. Some common reasons include:

  • Title is out of print. Even if a title is available from an online seller, that does not necessarily mean the book is still in print.
  • Not available to purchase from library vendors
  • Streaming only content, such as Audible exclusives or Netflix-only titles
  • Scope of material — many items are too specialized, technical, or scholarly for the library’s collection
  • Budgetary limitations

It may be possible to borrow books, audiobooks, microfilm and copies of articles from another library system using the library’s Interlibrary Loan service. You may also be able to check out material from local libraries through the Oregon Library Passport Program or by getting a library card at nearby libraries.

The software the library uses to manage patron suggestions does not allow us to automatically place holds when a suggested item is purchased. You will be notified through MyMCL when a decision is made on your suggestion, allowing you to place a hold at that time.

The library purchases material from established library vendors such as Ingram, Midwest Tape and Baker & Taylor. Most of the library’s vendors process items for the library, which means the items come cataloged, covered or cased, and labeled. Amazon is not a library vendor.

The library considers a number of factors, including availability and library budget, when deciding which materials to add to the collection. For a list of some of the criteria, please review see the library collections page.

The library welcomes suggestions by local authors and about local topics. The same selection criteria is used for all additions to the collection. Whenever possible, materials are purchased from library vendors.

Local authors can submit via the suggest a purchase form. Other authors can contact us via email.